Jannah Jewels Book 2: The Chase in China: by N. Rafiq


Author:  N. Rafiq
Publisher:Gentle Breeze Books
Recommended Ages: 7+
Format: paperback
Pages: 100
ISBN:  ‎ 978-0986720833

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Meet Zheng He The Famous Muslim Admiral in the Award-Winning Original Chapter Book Series for Muslim Kids!

In the second book, Hidayah, Iman, Jaide, and Sara, time travel first to Beijing, China and then to Malacca, Malaysia!

On their quest, for the second artifact, a rare medicinal plant, the Jewels meet Zheng He, the Famous Chinese Muslim Admiral, and learn all about his famous voyages of exploration to the lands around the Indian Ocean!

Caught in a lightning thunderstorm aboard the ‘swimming dragon’ the Jannah Jewels must escape fiery arrows and treasure pirates!

Will the Jannah Jewels make it back to the Golden Clock before time runs out?


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