Showing 1–9 of 49 results

A Muslim Girls Guide to Life’s Big Changes by: Rayhana Khan

Author: Rayhana Khan
ISBN 10: 1-84200-065-9
ISBN 13: 9781776404438
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 56
Size: 148 x 210

The Daughters of the Prophet Muhammad Author / Translator: Sr. Nafees Khan

Publisher name : Goodword
ISBN number: 9789386589507
Author name: Sr. Nafees Khan
Format: Hard cover
Pages  : 128

She Wore Red Trainers by Na’ima B. Robert


Publisher name: Kube Publishing Ltd
ISBN number: 9781847740656
Author name: Na’ima B. Robert

Format- hard cover

Pages:  256

A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes by: Sami Khan


Author: Sami Khan

Publisher : Ta-Ha publishers

ISBN: 978-1-84200-072-4

Pages : 48

Format/binding: paper back


The Clear Quran: for Kids (Surah 1, and 49-114) by: Dr Mustafa Khattab

Author: Dr Mustafa Khattab
Publisher: Furqaan Institute of Quranic Education
Recommended Ages: 10years onwardds
Format: Hardback
Pages: 332
ISBN: 9781949505221

The Great Race to Sycamore Street

Publisher name : Kube publishing
ISBN number : 978-1847740571
Author name: J. Samia Mair
Format: Hard cover
Pages : 196

365 Sahabah Stories (HB) By: Khalid Perwez

Author Khalid Perwez
Publisher: Goodword books
ISBN: 9789351790013
Pages: 256
Binding: Hardbound
Ages 7+

The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an for School Children by: Yahiya Emerick


Format: Paperback 7.25 x 9.75 x 2.25″

ISBN: 9781467990530
Author: Yahiya Emerick
Publisher: Amirah Publishing / Afrika Impressions Media (2021)
Pages: 828


Happiness Every Day for Kids : 365 daily tips for a happier life by: Safiya Hussain

Original price was: R655.00.Current price is: R620.00.