Miftah Al-Jannah: Key to the Garden By Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad , Mostafa al-Badawi (translator)


 ISBN 9781939256089
Author Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad
Publisher Ihya Publishing
Translator Mostafa al-Badawi
Pages 218
Manufacturer Ihya Publishing

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The first Muslim Testimony of Faith (Shahāda), “There is no deity but God,” is the essence and the highest principle of Islam. Key to the Garden is a multi-faceted exposition of how the whole spectrum of Islamic thought and worship unfolds from those few words.

The first part of the book deals with the basic beliefs of Islam, the second with aspects of the faith that are widely misunderstood, and the third provides guidance for those wishing to tread the spiritual path. Dr Mostafa Badawi’s fluent English translation, first published in 1990, and its annotations and appendices have been extensively revised for this new edition.