And the Sky is not the Limit – A Sufi Journey


Author : Amatullah Jyly Armstrong

publisher: Blessed tree press

pages: 190

ISBN: 9780620735841

format/binding : soft cover



In stock

SKU: 9789679963717 Categories: ,

“Shaykha Amatullah’s account of her journey to Islam and then on to the inner sanctum of Sufism must be seen as an account of a contemporary Muslim version of the hero’s journey. The account is set out like a banquet on a wonderfully rich, quilted tablecloth of late 20th century experience, including diverse patches of Australian outback, European sophistication and the North-African desert. Its very diversity produces an account which is of our age. It is into this uniquely contemporary context that the light of the beloved Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) reaches over centuries to illuminate both the outer and the inner reality of this extraordinary woman. Her account is deeply reassuring. It bears witness that in this time of the plastic and the instant, the recovery of our deep humanity is unconditionally available. It demonstrates that the prophets are a living reality among us, and that their teachings will reach the curious heart, no matter how obscure a backwater it lies hidden in.” – From the foreword by Shaykh Ebrahim Schuitema


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