I Can Read The Qur’an Anywhere by Yasmin Ibrahim


Publisher name : The Islamic Foundation
ISBN number :  978-0860373094
Author name :Yasmin Ibrahim
Ages 3-5 years
Format/binding: hard cover
Pages : 15

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This is one of the I Can Series of five books that introduces and illustrates some basic yet important concepts and terms for young Muslim children. These are explained with reference to their everyday life and in the settings with which children are familiar. In simple, easy-to-understand language the series presents Islam as a living reality to be experienced in daily life. It answers many questions about Islam as faith which arise in the young, curious minds.

For ages 3-5 years and the young at heart.

How do we learn to love the Koran, the Book of Allah? By keeping it with us and learning and reading it whenever and wherever we can.


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