The Qur’an Orientalism and the Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an Muzaffar Iqbal


Dimensions: 21.5 × 14.7 cmWeight0.3 kgDimensions21.5 × 14.7 cm

Page Count: 64 pages

Author: Muzaffar Iqbal

Publisher: Islamic Book Trust

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SKU: 9789675062346 Categories: ,

This small book, part of our new Occasional Paper Series, brings into sharp relief established attitudes of Western academia toward the Qur’an, especially as evidenced in the only extant multi-volume reference work on the Qur’an in English—Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Quran. The author exposes layers of centuries-old polemical literature against the Qur’an entrenched in putatively “rigorous and academic scholarship”, and underscores the need for Muslims to produce an alternate reference work on the Qur’an.