Showing 901–912 of 917 results

A Critique of the Theory of Abrogation


Author: Jasser Auda

Translated : Salahi Adil

ISBN13: 9780860377306

Pages: 160

Publisher: Kube Publishing Ltd

Format: Paperback

The Superiority of Dogs

Original price was: R165.00.Current price is: R120.00.
Publisher name: Claritas Books
ISBN number :9781905837304

Author name :Ibn al-Marzuban
Format: Paper back
Pages : 104

Epistemoliogical Bias by Abdelwahab M. Elmessiri


Publisher name: International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
ISBN number: 978-1565644168
Author name: Ed. Abdelwahab M. Elmessiri

Format : paper back

Pages: 328

Animal Welfare in Islam by Al-Hafiz Basheer Ahmad Masri

Publisher name: The Islamic Foundation
ISBN number :  978-0860375951
Author name : Al-Hafiz Basheer Ahmad Masri
Format/binding : paper back
Pages :180

Islam The Way Of Revival by D Hussain, R Mohammed

Publisher name :Revival
ISBN number :978-0953676828
Author name :  Riza Mohammed
Format: paper back

Man and destiny: Some reflections on Iqbals concepts of khudi and the perfect man by Khurshid Ahmad


Publisher name: The islamic foundation
ISBN number: 9780860374718
Author name: Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

Format – paper back

Pages: 152

Reclaiming Jihad: A Qur’anic Critique of Terrorism by Elsayed Amin

Publisher name : Kube Publishing Ltd
ISBN number :9780860375937
Author name : ElSayed Amin
Format: Paper back
Pages : 288

The Muslim 100 HB: The lives, thoughts and achievements of the most influential Muslims in History by Muhammad Mojlum Khan

Publisher name: Kube
ISBN number: 9781847740069
Author name: Muhammad Mojlum Khan
Format: Paper back
Pages : 450

The Prophet Muhammad A Role Model for Muslim Minorities by Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqi

Publisher name : The Islamic Foundation
ISBN number :978-0860375357
Author name :Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqi
Format: Paper back
Pages :248

For Whom the troubadour Sings Dawud Wharnsby


Publisher name: Kube Publishing Ltd
ISBN number: 9781847740113
Author name: Dawud Wharnsby

Format : paper back

Pages: 156