Imams of The Valley By: Amin Buxton


  • Publisher: ‎Dar al-Turath al-Islami
  • Language: ‎English
  • Format: Paperback ‏
  • Pages: 172

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Amin Buxton studied in Hadramawt, Yemen, and has edited and translated several books of the Hadrami scholars. This book explores the lives of several of the descendants of the Prophet Muḥammadﷺ who hail from the valley of Hadramawt. The valley, especially the city of Tarim, has been a seat of sacred knowledge rooted in the Prophetic legacy since the fourth Islamic century. This collection of biographies of some of its luminaries is aimed at instilling love for the family of the Prophet Muḥammadﷺ in the hearts of the readers.



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