Shari’ah Intelligence – The Basic Principles and Objectives of Islamic Jurisprudence, An Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh and Maqasid Al-Shariah, Compiled by Da’wah Institute of Nigeria, Edited by Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu

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“This is an excellent piece of pedagogy, made in a simplified yet a very accurate, very illustrative, and very comprehensive way. I sincerely greet everybody who participated in producing this course and teaching it. May you be blessed. A course on Shariah is more accurately described as a course on the Fiqh that explains the Shariah and its Fiqhi Schools/Madhahib, and theories/Usul. But Fiqh today falls between two extremes, “literalists” and “liberalists”. On the literal side, some people sanctify the letter of the ijtihad/reasoning of scholars of old times, even though their reasoning was subject to their place, time and circumstances. At the other extreme, some liberals try to “deconstruct” Fiqhi studies altogether or label them as void of wisdom, hence overlooking a rich Islamic juridical scholarship that has been growing for fourteen centuries. The best way to study Fiqh is to differentiate in a balanced way between the divine revelation and the human understanding, the fixed principles and the variable fatwas, what should be taken literally and what could be critiqued, and matters of true consensus and matters of different opinions. This book does exactly that.” Dr. Jasser Auda Professor of Maqasid Al-Shariah Executive Director, Maqasid Institute. Head of Dawah, International Union for Muslim Scholars “


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