The Children’s Book of Islam (Part 1) by Muhammad Manazir Ahsan


Publisher name : The Islamic Foundation
ISBN number :9780860374848
Author name :  M.M. Ahsan
Format: Paper back
Pages:   127

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SKU: 9780860374848 Categories: , ,

Covers the essentials of faith : belief in Allah, the Prophets and Life after Death; and the Five Pillars of Islam in a friendly and clear way.

This is a classic textbook that has been successfully used in mosques, madrasahs, and at home for over 20 years to teach the basics of Islam.

Covers specifically Allah, Islam, Muslims, Prophets, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Books of Allah, Qur’an, Angels, Life after Death, Declaration of Faith, Articles of Faith, and the Five Pillars of Islam.

Includes a workbook at the end.


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