Wandering Lonely in a Crowd: Reflections on the Muslim Condition in the West


Publisher name :Kube Publishing
ISBN number: 978-1847740243
Author name: S.M Atif Imtiaz
Format: paper back
Pages : 184

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SKU: 978-1847740243 Category:

Wandering Lonely in a Crowd: Reflections on the Muslim Condition in the West is a timely collection of essays, articles, lectures, and short stories that reflect on the years between 9/11 and Barack Obama. They cover the themes of integration, community cohesion, terrorism, radicalization, cultural difference, multiculturalism, identity politics, and liberalism. Beginning with a raw and unedited response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and ending with Obama’s election, S.M. Atif Imtiaz covers the numerous facets of the debate that surrounds Western Muslims today. The book sets out a narrative for these years and a response that argues that Western Muslims should move away from identity politics towards Islamic humanism.


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