The Seafaring Beggar & Other Tales by: Yahiya Emerick
Author: Yahiya Emerick and Reshma Baig
Publisher: A.S Noordeen
Format: paperback
Pages: 105
Format: paperback
Pages: 105
ISBN: 9789830652474
In stock
Categories: Children's Books, Junior Primary (7-11), Senior primary (11-13)
A collection of thought-provoking fiction stories whose themes are relevant to Muslim pre-teens in this society. Short stories, poems and prose make this a well-rounded book to entertain and teach every reader. The living example of Islam seems to leap from the page! Many of these selections have been featured in Young Muslims Magazine, The Message Magazine and others.
Selection includes: Black Feather Finds His Lord, The Briefcase, Scared, The Ramadan Song, Salvation for certain, Aslama, Hollow, Tea, The Seekers, How I Came to Islam, Whom He Will, etc…
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